Dada was the artistic movement that was born in Europe during the time of World War 1, because of the war many artists, writers and intellectuals - notably of French and German nationality - found themselves congregating in the refuge that Zurich offered them (In Switzerland). Far from feeling relief from the respective escapes, they were driven by the rage that their modern European society would allow for the war to happen. Due to this rage, they under-took the artistic protesting we call Dadaism today.
Gathering together in a loosely-knit group, these artists, writers and intellectuals used any public forum they could find to (metaphorically) spit, poke fun at and rebel against nationalism, ration-ism and any other -ism they could find which they felt could of contributed to a senseless war (if i was to think of any -isms today i could rebel against i would probably pick racism, sexism and agism).
check out the decapitator who works onto existing poster bill boards